
Nothing to do with software, not much to do with hardware as well, just the 
basic needs of a computer....

/Any/ QL (or any other computer) needs memory to store the buffers for the mass 
storage, in the QL's case there is the added problem that the OS is designed in 
a way (like a lot of other OSs) that the disk map (the directory, basically) 
needs to be held in main memory as well. 

This map needs memory that is deducted from the memory you're working with. You 
could maybe have 6MB of SD space in an unexpanded QL, but in that case you 
wouldn't be having any memory left for actually doing something sensible.

The 3M Peter mentioned is about the best compromise between memory used for the 
map and memory used for "work".


Am 10.12.2013 um 17:48 schrieb Michael Bulford:

> On Thursday, 5 December 2013, Colin Mckay Wrote:
>> Please describe the hardware & software which forms it, sufficiently for us
>> to know what you are talking about.
>>> On Wednesday, 04 December 2013, Peter <pg...@q40.de> Wrote:> > the 
>>> restriction that a QL memory expansion is madatory for QL-SD has been 
>>> removed.
>>> If a QL-SD filesystem of 3 MB size (and Groupsize 8) is attached, there 
>>> still remains 62.5 KB free memory on an unexpanded QL. Not very much, but 
>>> enough to load TK2 and still be able do useful things.
>>> This way, even an unexpanded QL has more mass storage than the ED floppy 
>>> interface of a (Super) Gold Card offers, and that at harddisk speed 
>>> without moving mechanical parts.
>>> (Larger filesystems, like the 64 MB default, can not be used on an 
>>> unexpanded QL at all. This won't change.)
> We are talking state of the art technology.   Surely, a size of 3 Gigabytes 
> would seem to be more appropriate.   Why has there to be any restrictions?   
> If this is down to software, then can anything be done about it?
> Michael
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