On 17/07/2015 10:06, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
I have no idea how you even managed to do put them there in Windows 8,
this should be pretty much impossible for normal users. Also, they
would be write protected there.

Note for everybody: DO NOT PUT FILES IN C:\

Search your drive for other copies of QXL.WIN which are more recent.
The ones in C:\ are obviously not the ones you're actually working


I have had a similar problem that I have only discovered this month and Marcel has explained the reason. When I went over to Windows 8, I transfered my .win files using a pen memory. The result was that I could read the win disk but not write.

When you formatted a win disk formerly it was saved on the C: drive. If you format a win disk under windows 8 it is saved in a subdirectory. I cannot remember the path but the command PRINT WIN_DRIVE(x), where x is the number of the drive, will give you the path.

Marcel is now going to slap me on the wrist for being a naughty boy, because I copied the win drive from the subdirectory to C:. Even here I can both read and write,

Best Wishes,


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