Op Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:25:29 +0200 schreef Dilwyn Jones <dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk>:

The reason for that fullscreen is that when you View a menu from the list this will most likely be bigger than the Main AppMan window, so the outline is set as big as possible.Some time ago Per Witte suggested a way to aviod this but I need to delve into the whole subject-matter again before I can begin to change
that (my RAM is not what it used to be).

Would it be possible for the viewing to be done as a separate job called from AppMan which had its own outline for the duration of the viewing, for example?

I believe that was the basic idea.
A lot of parameters need to be passed to the other job and I never got around to working that out.
It's back on top of the pile now.


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