
Sorry. To clarify: Those who 'simply' observe the law are not considering
the ethics behind the law, they are just following the rules. The point is
to understand the ethics (the spirit of the law).

Unfortunately, there isn't always one. What is the ethic behind VAT? What is the ethic behind parking spaces, that were free, being made into paid ones with a meter? More on topic, what is the ethic behind copyright being extended from 50 to 70 years after Disney asked for it?

I do appreciate your thought about dismissing a point of law that is

The problem with ethics is that they are too changeable. My ethics may include not eating pork, or going arounb with a berad or some form of headgear, or women having less rights than men, or homosexuals being labeled as deviant etc ad nauseam.

There are also people who are simply evil.

In Buddhism the only sin is ignorance. Profound ignorance can result in evil
acts. The people themselves are not considered evil, though they still get
locked up.

OK, I profess my ignorance on buddhism. However, there are people who, for example, hurt others, fully knowing what they are doing and that they shouldn't be doing it. To my mind, they are not ignorant to any degree.
 Sorry for going so far off topic.


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