Sorry for yanking your chain again so soon but, on going the other way, ie from mode 32 to 33, what is the best value for W? g6, 0, 1..?


On 16/12/2017 18:13, pjwitte via Ql-Users wrote:
Aah! Perfect! Thanks Marcel, youre a star!

So in fact I interpreted the input wrong. It should have been:

GGGggRRR rrBBBbbW <- input

ggWBBBbb RRRrrGGG -> output

Seems so obvious now ;)


On 16/12/2017 15:30, Marcel Kilgus via Ql-Users wrote:
320 c$ = c$(4 to 5) & c$(16) & c$(11 to 15) & c$(6 to 10) & c$(1 to 3)

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