In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Martin Wheatley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Marcus wrote
> >It's just that you answered an HTML mail and therefore it generated
> >HTML, too, I suppose.
>And Malcolm replied
> >Also, to send HTML you must have MIME enabled ... otherwise it is
> >rejected.  Dis-enable MIME when sending plain text.
> >If you are using Outlook Excess, it is buried somewhere in the menus :-(
>Marcus is right Malcolm.  It's not that simple
>Whatever defaults you set up in OE (and to be fair most Windows
>mail progs) apply only to NEW e-mails
>If you hit the Reply button then it creates a copy of the original
>message complete with all the original message's formatting and it
>is that you are typing into.  Hence the occasional HTML messages
>from people who are normally not set up for HTML

I've only 'doodled' around with Outlook Excess, just to see what all the
'pain' is about.  Although I have found its menus quite easy to access
and configure.

Thankfully, Turnpike just takes care of all this in a sensible way.

Malcolm Cadman

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