At 03:54 μμ 4/2/2002 +0000, you wrote:

> >Hi Geoff,
> >the singular MOST important thing you need to do to get rid of worms of
> >that kind is....
> >to get rid of Outlook you are using :-)
> >
> >You wouldn't have any trouble with Eudora for example :-)
>... or Turnpike.  This is Demon's mailer, but is generally usable for
>about £25 I think.  It is a quite superb piece of software.
>1. The latest Internet Explorer (v6.0) [incorporating Outlook Express] has
>more inherent security than previous versions.

Yes... and the Pope is Orthodox :-)

>2. It is free.

Yes considering how much money they make by stealing your personal info

>3. I keep one bogus address in my address-book. That way, if it were
>returned i.e. -

Clever :-)

>"A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
>recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:.."
>In some circumstances at least I would then know that I just left the stable
>door open!
>No! - not *yet* I haven't. But a month ago I caught BadTrans in the act.
>Smug! ;>)

Which proves the point... You wouldn't have BadTrans have you used a 
different email client

>Welsh John

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