At 06:45 μμ 8/2/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>Subject: Re: [ql-users] ms-users-and-smalltalk-list
> >
> >
> > Well, perhaps the person using it actually thought that there is
> > such a thing as M$ crap - and I presume that a certain number of
> > people on this list will agree (me, for instance)..
> >
>May be, but when you use language like that you demean yourself more than
>you demean M$. Pity because most people who do use it on the group are
>highly respected within the QL Community and have proved through their QL
>work that we don't need to use cheap, emotional language in the M$ v
>QDOS/SMSQ battle.

Hello Geoff,
there's one thing that may be involved here... and that's English not being 
the native language for many ql-users contributors (incl. myself).
We know as much English as we are taught (and many of us are self taught) 
and we do not posess the advantage of being born in the US, or the UK etc..

In that aspect (linguistically... sorry about that term :-) many words to 
many of us do not appear bad or "emotionally charged".
For example for me although I know the etymology of  the "C" word I have 
the understanding that at least in the place I am it's a good substitute 
for "trash" - which at times sounds a lot harsher-.
Nevertheless since I use the word... "succesfully" :-)  for many years with 
no complaints whatsoever I have to apologize if I offended anyone with 
it... I always thought it (and other words) to be good substitute for "s" 
words :-)

However there is now a paradox... some people in this list (names don't 
matter I am just trying to make a point) do consider that this list is the 
equivalent of a pub meet after a QL show... well I don't know about anybody 
else but in a "pub environment" not only we use "C" words but also plenty 
of "S", "F" and so on...

The thing is that we need be a little more on the tolerant side but also 
self-restrained... and that's exactly why I proposed the ql-chat list which 
Dave promptly created... (thanks Dave). That way everyone's happy and noone 
is offended.

And that's my final contribution to the subject publicly and please as many 
others suggested let's put the subject to rest now... (I do welcome 
personal emails on the subject though)

Best Regards,


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