On  Fri, 8 Feb 2002 at 20:59:35,  ZN wrote:

>On 2/8/02 at 9:19 PM P Witte wrote:
>>Nasta writes:
>>>> So a small (mobile ?) QL-compatible system with only solid state
>>>> would be feasable ?
>>> Yes, that's what I'm using now, although since it's a regular Aurora,
>>> Qubide and SGC it's not exactly small... but one out of two :-)
>>I know youve sort of answered this before, but the one thing that gives me
>>cause for concern is the long-term reliablity of CF media. And how are we
>>going to notice - apart from in the most unpleasant way - that its natural
>>life is reaching its close?
>CF cards use flash memory chips which can take at least 1 million writes to
>the same location - and the internal controller does not let the bytes be
>written to the same place if it can avoid it.
RomDisq drivers do a similar thing to reduce use of individual sectors.
Memory is in 64k blocks, and TT will only erase a block when all memory
is used.  That way in a device that is not full, there is no excessive
erasing.  The same applies clearly to CF.  ie if it is 50% full then
erasing of individual locations is approximately halved.

>Finally, writing flash memory AUTOMATICALLY implies verification, which
>does not happen on hard disks.
ditto RomDisq I think.

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