At 09:55 μμ 11/2/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>I have just uploaded a correction to Turbo Toolkit v3.32 on my
>David Gilham contacted me to say that some incorrect files from a
>previous version were included in the TURBOTK.ZIP file on my website's
>Other Software Page. This error has now been corrected.

Aha... it turns out I was right after all :-) (God I love it when this happens)

>If you downloaded Turbo Toolkit v3.32 before tonight (11/2/2002)
>please download it again - the correct zip file version is about 95KB
>long rather than about 105KB.
>Apologies for the error.

Actually I don't think the error was yours in the first place (unless you 
created the zip file).
I turned out that the QDOS_code file was fine, but the SMS file had the 
hiccups ;-)
(Among other things sent the Charge command, home for tea! instead of 
running Turbo :-)


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