On  Mon, 11 Mar 2002 at 11:12:05, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

>At 11:04 пл 11/3/2002, you wrote:
>>I had a similar problem with my Q40, in my case was
>>related with the Ram Simm.
>>I removed it and cleaned carefully both the simm
>>contacts and the sockets.
>>I use alcohol to do it, it is an extremely difficult
>>operation clean the ram sockect contacts and I HAD TO
>>DO IT many time before solve the problem.
>>Hope this will help.
>A contact cleaning "pen" might solve the problem a lot faster (There
>are some that have a tip small enough to fit into a RAM socket)
I was thinking of the simm, which has non-gold connectors.   A rubber is
OK for that.
I hadn't realised until Q40 that simms used two connectors for each
signal - sort of accepting the connections were dodgy.

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