At 11:56 рм 27/3/2002, you wrote:

>Oh boy.
>"It is little Jimmy's birthday party. All his little friends are there.
>Little Jimmy's dad instructs (with naive futility) the children to play
>nicely with the new toys [so adults can have a few beers in peace].
>But (surprise surprise) the children are unable to play nicely.
>Instead they do nothing but squabble over who is in charge of the toys
>and what games to play.  Eventually their squabbling becomes so noisy
>that little Jimmy's dad storms over and picks up all the new toys
>saying "I told you to play nicely, now none of you can have the toys!"
>Might be an idea to get the licensing biz wrapped up before TT decides
>to take the toys away again.  Just an idea.

You know what Ian, maybe you're totally right on this...
In any case I apologize to the list for the previous rant, but as you know 
EVERYONE has his limits. I'm going to just put this matter behind me now 


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