At 04:08 μμ 8/4/2002, the Daveman wrote:

>Initially, SBASIC, and then in C once I'm happy with how it works. I'm
>happier with C but have never done any on the QL, whereas SBASIC is a
>quicker throw-it-together-and-test-it language :o) It's not like email
>clients have to be fast, anyway.

I am not sure if Jon's QLTCP has an SBasic I/F ... maybe you will have to 
resort to access it using the tried and true Peek/Poke S*Basic "interface" ;-)

> > Well, if you ever visit England I've got lots of them ... that have been
> > donated to the London Quanta Group.  They are too heavy to economically
> > post.
>I wonder. Do the transformers in QL PSUs have 120 and 240v windings, or
>did they use a different transformer for each region?

Different from what I recall....
However a European PSU will work with a US QL if you use a step up 


P.S. Damn that 6 Gb drive takes forever to format with QubIDE ;-)

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