On 08/04/02 at 21:26 Dexter wrote:

>> However a European PSU will work with a US QL if you use a step up 
>> transformer...

>I've seen transformer winding kits up to the job for $20 in a local parts 
>outlet. Could be fun - been ages since I last wound a custom transformer 

Oh, for heaven's sake, why would you need a custom transformer? Step-up's
are available in every shape and size from many places. Also, with dozens
and dozens of 'old stuff' distributors in the US I'm sure you can find any
type of transformer you care to immagine (www.alltronics.com, www.meci.com,
www.jameco.com, etc, ect)

>> P.S. Damn that 6 Gb drive takes forever to format with QubIDE ;-)
>How long would the 80 gigger I just bought take then? Hopefully, it'll be 
>quicker on the SuperIDE :o)

Fraid not, at least not for a while. Nothing to do with xxxIDE, but with
the speed of the QL's 8-bit bus. The peak bandwidth is only 1.8MB/sec and
even a bit less with GC/SGC. All of this really to cater for the 8301 video
ULA. Even with Aurora, which is capable of about 5.5MB/s things get stuck
at 1.8 because the GC/SGC deliberately slow down when communicating through
the QL bus, just in case there is a 8301 somewhere - even if it's in the
spare parts bin :-)
GF's IO protocol is software-customizeable, and can push the 8-bit bus very
far (probably too far) - in theory, up to 12MB/sec but that's still only
ATAPI PIO3 or so, IF signal integrity on the bus remains sufficient.


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