Hi all,
I am turning to the list for any ideas...

As you might have guessed at last I have a working (well sort of) Aurora 

However I experience a couple of problems, mainly with resolutions.

Specifically, I give DISP_SIZE 640, 480 but nothing happens (still 512x256).

My Aurora is set up to use a Multisync non-interlaced monitor and SVGA

I am running SMSQ/E v.2.91

I also changed the config blocks of SMSQ/E to all possible combinations for 
resolutions and aspect ratios ut to no avail... SMSQ/E still starts up at 

The following also happens which may (or may not) be related...

IPCMOUSE returns: BAD PARAMETER (The serial cable is connected in the right 
place and it worked in the beginning, but after a while stopped and now it 
just doesn't do anything)

My setup includes the following:

Q-Plane (Mounted on a bracket sideways ;-)
RomDisq (2.14) 2 Mb
QubIDE (2.1) with a Western Digital WDC6100 (6 Gb) drive as master 
(switchable through a Trios with a 512Meg CF card/adapter combo) and Maxtor 
AT120 (temporarily until I put on the CD-ROM)



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