On 09/04/02 at 12:23 Phoebus Dokos wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am turning to the list for any ideas...
>As you might have guessed at last I have a working (well sort of) Aurora 
>setup... However I experience a couple of problems, mainly with
>Specifically, I give DISP_SIZE 640, 480 but nothing happens (still

OK, this has been solved.
The soulution has two parts: the usual one, and the 'read the manual'
(oops, sorry, don't think it's in there!) part.

The usual part is taking out the 8302 ULA and cleaning it's pins, which for
some reason have a tendency to oxidise. They do this even when left alone
in a drawer - I have three spares and they all had their pins turn black
while sitting peacefully in my QL spares box, in their antistatic rail.

The ...other part is quite simple in retrospect: SMSQ/E was not detecting
the Aurora, hence always thought it was working with regular QL compatible
hardware. How? Simple: the problem has nothing to do with Aurora or SMSQ/E
- rather with the address setting of the Qubide, also present in the

When an Aurora is used, only the following two base address settings are
0C000 (i.e. ROM slot)
FC000 (top of IO area)

Obviously, if you are using the Aurora with a GC for any reason, there is
no IO area so you only have the 0C000 address to use. If this is set, in
either case the ROM slot will be disabled, and anything plugged into the
slot will be 'invisible'. At present, there is no way around this problemm
save for using a SGC so the address can be set to FC000.

So, why did SMSQ/E fail in changing resolutions? Simple: C0000 to FBFFF
(this appears as 4C0000 to 4FBFFF on SGC) are used for the Aurora screen
RAM. Anything else set to any part within the same address range (like a
Qubide, for instance) will result in Aurora screen RAM test fail during
initialization of the Aurora screen driver, and the system will revert to
emulation mode. ALL Aurora extended graphics support, including DISP_SIZE
will be switched off. There may be other consequences, such as superHermes
not being initialized correctly.

USers that start the system with a JM ROM have a unique problem here
because this ROM will not initialize any IO peripherals unless they are at
0C000 or C0000. AFAIK, the GC/SGC software corrects this, so there should
be no problem. SMSQ/E also corrects it. Minerva also looks for ROMs in two
alternative addresses, 10000 and 14000. If you are using GC/SGC and Qubide,
DO NOT attempt to use these addresses because GC/SGC do not support them
and Minerva will not find a Qubide at these addresses even if everything
'should' be just fine.

If you have a ROMdisq, and use SMSQ/E, you can set the Qubide to FC000,
load SMSQ/E from ROMdisq, at which point SMSQ/E will correctly initialize
Qubide. Alternatively, you can use the LRESPR-able version of Qubide or
figure out the Qubide init routine address from it's ROM header and just
CALL it 'by hand'.


PS can't believe I'm doing Qubide support after all these years!

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