Hi All,
now that my QL is up and running (even without the cover!) I am trying to 
recover some of my programs that are dead (microcartridges DO go bad and so 
do DD 5 1/4" disks formatted as Quad Density -I know I should have used the 
Quad Disks that I was selling but they were expensive!!!!! :-)

Specifically I am searching apart from the ones that I mentioned on a 
previous email the following:

Sandy CP/Mulator (Have the Rom, Manual but DOA disk)
Eidersoft's Citadel (Dead CITA_CDE file... of course the largest :-) just 
my luck)
Cuthbert in Space (The tape is cut :-(((( )
The Pawn (I have that on a ZIP-interpreter compatible format but I would 
like to get back the original - my cartridge is dead again)
Psion Chess and Matchpoint (Both tapes DOA)

Anyone has one or more of those?  I can provide you with the original 
cartridge or (if you are a little patient until I go to Greece) with the 
purchase receipt! (To prove I am legit that is :-)))

Also I would be very much interested in buying any kind of ROM based 
toolkit/software etc...


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