On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

> >the ability to accept PLAIN TEXT messages only. Maybe a bit
> contentious, but
> >plain text  *is* teh standard for emails - unlike what Little Willy
> Gates
> >seems to think.
> Agreed.

Agreed, but also not true. The RFCs show that the content type should be
included in the header, and may be anything, however the base email should
be sent as text with the alternative content as an attachment to be
handled by the recipient's mailer.

What I propose is a compromise that suits most people:

Emails will always be sent plain text. Emails will be received and parsed
based on the content-type, so if it's HTML we can strip the tags, and if
it's XML likewise but with a different filter rule. By having a plugin
filter rule system, we can also direct emails that contain "this is not
spam", "!!!!!!" and "<insert offensive words here>" can be directed
straight to hell...

> >The ability to delete messages from the server before downloading
> them,
> >based on a regular expression, so I can bin all the cr4p fromo
> *.hotmail.com
> >etc.
> Agreed even more. In my case, I want to be able to refuse download of
> files greater than a given file size (e.g. at peak telephone call

I think a good solution here is to have two modes of operation: online and
offline - online, it will simply get sender/size and if you want to view
the message it will download the body. Offline mode, it will connect and
fetch all messages and delete them from the server. You cvan then read
them offline.


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