On  Thu, 20 Jun 2002 at 12:38:59, Mike MacNamara wrote:
(ref: <00ab01c2184f$12b9e190$c272893e@macnamarxmjd3y>)

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jochen Merz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:39 AM
>Subject: Re: [ql-users] This is the LICENCE
>> > Whets the point in having an EPROM if you have to LRESPR on
>> > patches and extensions, apart from the waste of memory and
>> > loading time, altering boots, etc. Who wants old code lying
>> > when they can have good clean updates instead, not me for
>> Loading the OS from (slow access) EPROM to (fast access) RAM
>> is of benefit. SMSQ/E is so small, that the speed you gain
>> will outweigh the memory loss easily. That was done on other
>> systems to gain speed. The "old" code is erased anyway, so does
>> not take up any additional RAM.
>Thanks Jochen, if you load 'new' code into ram rather than 'old'
>code then lrespr an 'updated' code over it, surely that takes
>longer?  One of my biggest problems with QLs, as they used
>Superhermes, was Lrespr'ing the Superhermes code in before a
>keyboard would work. Any problems with disks or programs(
>corrupted/deleted  boots) caused a lock out. What a hassle to
>make a boot disk(if I could find a S/Hermes disk) to try and get
>back in,
The perfect solution to this is to put the sH code in as a 'romn' file 
on RomDisq - and it is then loaded before the BOOT program.
> that is until SMSQ/E came with the Superhermes code
>already installed (thanks Roy), If I 'lost' the OS in the same
>way it would be a real drag. Surely better with 'new' code on
>eprom, where it is reasonably safe?
.... but slower.
I would go for speed any time.  The time and ram involved is small.

Tony Firshman

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