On  Sun, 23 Jun 2002 at 15:04:09, ZN wrote:

>>   BTW what on earth have you been doing in the US - eating Cow Pie (UK
>>   Dandy readers will get the reference).
>Hm... the closest translation of 'Cow Pie' to the Croatian idiom would be
>the round flat pile of cow dung on the road. If that was the reference, I
>resent it :-)
OK - I will explain.
'Desperate Dan' in the Dandy was a huge American farmer who ate Cow Pie
- which I assume gave him muscles....
>> I gather you are all muscle (8-)#
>Hm... that would make me a snail without a digestive tract? I suppose it
>would have certain advantages - though short, my life would be very much
>simpler :-). I know I have a stomach, it's been bothering me thw whole
>morning... no, wait, that's a ma muscle too. Lessee... I think I have a
>brain (a bit of recursion there...)?
>Honestly, I have been working out seriously (for the sake of mental health
>as much as physical, if not more, especially in the last 3 years) for the
>last 6 years. Not much change in the last two, so I suppose the only reason
>why no-one mentioned this before was because at the last occasions I wore
>more clothes?
True - I haven't seen you with no clothes (8-)#

Not just me though - Roy was amazed.
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