Την 16/12/2002 3:49:42 μμ, ο/η Malcolm Cadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>QTrans is still a joy to use.  Well done !

I totally agree with that. As I told Dilwyn on a separate email, it's the second QL 
file manager that is usable (after PWFile) and the very first one that's really 
practical. With many apologies to any writers of filemanagers out there but nothing 
even comes close to Q-Trans. It's about time we had our own flavour of a Norton 
Commander-like file manager (like ie Windows Commander, Midnight Commander for 
UN*X etc).

Now if I could only convince Dilwyn to let me on the sources to make it a total NC 
clone I would be the happiest man in the world...(Complete with all the function key 
commands). Hmmm maybe a ten part series of Articles on QLT for the 
manufacturing of a Lexan case for the SGC and the Q40 would be an even 
exchange? (Ooohhh now that's blackmail!)

>The ability to 'execute' programs, and the 'viewer' are both features
>that make it a very useful 'frontend', as well as a file transfer

Absolutely agree... Q-Trans rocks!


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