Marcel Kilgus makes some magical things to make me read
} More difficult to spots in complex and/or large codes are often things
} like wrong registers. Only 3 days ago I finally fixed a nasty bug that
} lived in the PE for about 12 years. It drew weird windows or crashed
} the machine when there was only little free memory. A mix up between
} a1 and a2 was all it took. Now find that within some large piece of
} code you can't use a debugger on.

Oh, while you speak of the PE, I will jump in the wagon... 
I have just found out that blob and mask when used in an information windows
(How silly, it would be simpler to use a sprite instead!), seems to
have their origin at the screen origin, not the window origin...
(whereas sprite are just ok...)
Is-that the normal behaviour ?

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