On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 18:30:08 -0000, Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just what is this? Does it work even for plain text emails?
That has nothing to do actually with what you did :-)
Putting the "<URL: ...>" around URLs serves only for the recipients of emails, as different users have different resolutions or word-wrap settings (throwing 'l's or even larger chunks to the lower line.

Some mailers (like for example M2 that I am using) can deal with these problems but the best thing to do (as taught by Tony again ;-) is to wrap them up in a URL container. Almost all mailers can conform to these URL typing conventions (as they are described in various RFCs...). Again it will show up correctly in your mailer (where you wrote it) but not necessarily to anybody else's unless they have the exact same settings and even then IIRC Outlook Excess (In your case) stores internally the email before converting it to plain text and sending it out... For the recipient's Outlook it is as good as coming from any other mailer.

Forgot? I've never even heard of this to prevent Lookout Excess
splitting addresses!
There was actually a pretty long thread in this list regarding this. I had the exact same problem with you and I was dumb enough (see below ;-) to think that it was everybody else's fault... not so :-)

Until recently, I assumed that as it was capable
of automatically showing it as an underlined address, even when sent
as a plain text email (which I always do to this list except when
replying to AOLisms and Phoebusisms which f*** it up - 'foul' in case
anyone wondered),
Hehe he.... Hmmm I didn't really f*** it up did i? :-) And if I did, you can blame Tony Firshman for it in any case HE IS THE REAL CULPRIT :-)

it would be intelligent enough not to break the line
later, obviously expecting too much here. Not everyone and everything
is as clever as Marcel (founder member of Marcel Kilgus Software
True too... I am the dumbest there is (But I do design pretty graphics though ;-) Marcel can testify to that ;-)


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