Quoting Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Will you be releasing this as freeware or shareware, or as a
> commercial product?
> >
> > Mark
> Commercial (price undecided yet) and a demo version: useable, but
> limited by the number of program icons which can be set up.

Please do NOT flame me.  I mean no disrespect to anyone involved in developing 
QL software or hardware.  I am a casual user, who has just recently gotten 
back "into" using QL after more than 10 years.  I understand this is mostly a 
philosophical question, but I have a direct question I'd like an answer to.  
This is NOT a direct response or reaction to the above mentioned product, BTW.

I'm curious to understand why just about anything for the QL is commercial.  Is 
there that much of a market for QL software in Europe or the rest of the world 
BESIDES the US?  I might have a mistaken impression that any QL computing done 
nowadays is by dedicated hobbyists.   I guess I've grown too accustomed to the 
Linux/BSD world of open source projects that anybody can hitch their wagon to.  
There seem to be a number of decent or really good QL programs that run great 
on hardware that is arguably almost 20 years old, but it _appears_ to me that 
the vast majority of it is commercial.  Not terribly expensive, necessarily, 
but certainly not open source where a project can perhaps evolve quicker with 
more contributions.

I had hopes of porting some useful applications to QL.  Or of even writing 
them.  I'm finding, after having only just recently purchased a QXL card and 
setting up a box, that I _almost_ have to purchase a bit more software to do 
any serious development on this box.  I am also disheartened to realize that I 
can't contribute directly to any products or projects currently underway.  

I do see that there are still a number of companies and individuals selling 
software and hardware to this day.  I could assume, I guess, that this means 
there's still a market, if only not in the US.

I would love to have an environment setup on the pQL (pseudo QL) box I have so 
that I can compile _and_ edit BASIC and C/C++ programs and release them.  Port 
useful *nix userland utils where possible.  I'd *REALLY* love to get ppp/tcp-ip 
up and running on this box so I can put it on the net.  My first project would 
then be a port of thttpd or something similar.  My biggest fear is that I'll 
have to bootstrap the whole process, reinventing what someone has done 
commercially for a box that's really just a hobby. :)


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