On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 at 13:15:52, wrote: (ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

Hi All,

Hope you all got over the Cringle..............

I got a Email Xmas Card late on X,as Eve from Simon Goodwin. Basically just
the usual chat about becoming a dad etc, but he did mention one interesting

He has Written a QDOS driver for a Cybiko. What? i hear you all ask......
A Cybiko is a nifty cheap russian PDA - one of the few around that still
uses a RS232 serial cable to link to a PC/Mac (and now a QL, thanks to
Simon) instead of USB. They are available in 3 colours, and cost just 20
quid sterling each - dirt cheap, considering what you get.

see www.cybiko.com
Sounds interesting if only one could get on the site:
"Sorry, this service isn't available now.
Please, visit our site later"

They can email and internet when connected to a PC/Mac, they can text message other cybikos for free, and they can download and install applications, including a word processor - an application CD costs just a fiver.


Darren Branagh,
Bank of Ireland - Cards And Loans Business,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.
Tel: 01-6798230  Fax: 01-6706813.

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