Hi All
Look out for the first Blue Tooth only PC within the next few months if it's
not already around :-(((

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Re: [ql-users] Re: [ql-users] Re: [ql-users] RE:
[ql-users] £ 1000 to spend!


> This is only part of the story. There is also a general move by the
> computer industry to have fewer interfaces and, by extension, fewer
> drivers on a system. USB II is much faster than Parallel - actually even
> USB 1.1 was. They also want to lose the PS/2 ports and use USB for
> keyboard and mouse as well. It is all part of the way that the physical
> makeup of the modern computer is being steered. As I have said before
> the floppy drive is going too!.
> Floppy drives have been on the out for a couple of years now - Apple
> started this off by dropping them from the Mac range. Now, here in Ireland
> at least, new DELL computers don't come with floppies as default, and they
> are a 15 euro additional extra. The push is now to use compact flash etc.
> as the removable easily transportable medium, or USB keyring drives (both
> of which work just fine with QPC!!)
> Darren.

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