P Witte wrote:
> Thanks for your help - Marcel too. This gave me enough info to get a grip
> the issue. I first thought there might be a difference between the German
> and English versions of Menu_rext, but that wasnt the problem. The problem
> is a bug in the "short filenames" implementation. This is set in the
> configuration item: Menu Extension/General/Short filenames in File-Select/
> If you configure this item to Yes you get the deviant behaviour as
> in my earlier mail. Strangely, this doesnt affect FILE_SELECT$ anymore.
> Can this be fixed, please?
> Per

Thanks Per
This tip has given me a workaround for something that has been bothering me
for ages in uQLx. There it affects FILE_SELECT$ as well. As it only kills an
instance of uQLx and you can pop another up straight away it didn't bother
enough to complain about it. I just tried to get used to <-ing back to the
drive name before swapping drive numbers. Now with "Short filenames"
configured off it is completely stable. There is only a slight display
when say swapping from win1_xyz_ to drive number 2 which has no xyz
win2_ is listed but it still says win2_xyz_

I use uQLx with Minerva ROM perhaps the combination is not 100% level 2
directory device conform.


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