Remember all that stuff about virtual UW-IMAP users? Well, I've finally got
something online. It's actually been up for a while, but I forgot to
announce it.

What I have is just the C interface that I described on the list. I'm hoping
that others will pick it up and write flat file, dbfile, and/or database
backends to authenticate virtual users.

Quick Summary
This is a patch to the UW-IMAP server which allows it to authenticate
virtual users and system users in the same IMAP daemon. A C interface is
provided for hooking in an authentication routine for the virtual users.
Hopefully others will develop and contribute interfaces for reading virtual
users from databases, flat files, and an external program.

Important Note: This software is not supported by David Harris.
I simply don't have the time right now. Rather, I'm posting my work and
hoping that others will add to it and contribute their improvements. A
little open-source community devoted to single-uid uwimap solutions will
hopefully develop here. Read more about this in the "description" section

 - David Harris
   Principal Engineer, DRH Internet Services

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