In data domenica 3 giugno 2012 21:25:51, Adam Lyle ha scritto:
> Greetings,
> I'll start by saying that I am not a C programmer, but I have been
> looking through the source code trying to get this functionality to
> work. Here's my end goal.
> The username is converted to lowercase
> The password is converted to lowercase
> They are compared and if the same or similar an error is generated.
> Now, I know that this is similar to the trivial passwords check, but
> there is a difference that I will explain.
> I have patched qmailamin 1.2.15 to use the cracklib patch, and that is
> working well. I enabled trivial password checking and that works,
> mostly. I have been able to still get by a weak combination using the
> following:
> username: TestWeak1
> password: TestWeak1
> What I believe is happening is that qmailadmin is converting the
> username to lowercase at some point but leaving the password
> unaltered. When it does the strstr compare it doesn't match, so it
> passes the combination as being good.
> I tried cobbling this together:
>   GetValue(TmpCGI,Newu, "newu=", tolower(Newu));
>   GetValue(TmpCGI,Password1, "password1=", tolower(Password1));
>   if ( strstr(Newu,Password1) !=NULL ) {
>     snprintf (StatusMessage, "Bad username and password combination,
> to similar - %s\n", html_text[175]);
>     adduser();
>     vclose();
>     exit(0);
>   }
> But while that compiles without an error, qmailadmin fails when I try
> to add a new user.
> I've tried searching various C programming pages, but without a solid
> frame of reference I am just taking stabs in the dark.
> Does anyone have a way to include this functionality??
> Thanks,
> -Adam

Watch better! The tolower function only changes to lowercase a char, not a 
string. What you need to do is build a function that iterates through the 
string and changes ALL the chars to lowercase.

Anyway, I posted some time ago a patch to check that the password is not a 
subset of the username; it doesn't convert both to lowercase (or uppercase, 
for that matter) to do the check, so it doesn't do EXACTLY what are you trying 
to do, but if you are interested I can repost it.


Simone Lazzaris | Responsabile aree Datacenter e VoIP 
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