On Aug 11, 2007, at 5:05 AM, PakOgah wrote:

hope this weekend your tests running smoothly.
please tell us the results
can't wait till Monday

Just for general information - I downloaded and compiled the updated clamav and spamassassing from Erik's developmnet site.

Then, install them with rpm -Uvh clamav & spamassassin.

clamav installed just fine.

when installing spamassassin, I received dependencies warnings.

rpm -Uvh spamassassin-toaster-3.2.3-1.3.12.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
perl(Archive::Tar) >= 1.23 is needed by spamassassin- toaster-3.2.3-1.3.12.x86_64 perl(HTML::Parser) >= 3.43 is needed by spamassassin- toaster-3.2.3-1.3.12.x86_64 perl(IO::Zlib) >= 1.04 is needed by spamassassin- toaster-3.2.3-1.3.12.x86_64

I checked, though, and all of various perl modules ARE in fact at the latest version, and certainly higher than the required 1.23 / 3.43 / 1.04.

I suspect, once again, that the problem may have to do with me running this on x86_64 architecture, and that the dev builds the Erik placed online may not take that into consideration. Easy enough to fix, though, I reckon...

So, just FYI, see above ;-)

Antoine De Saint-Exupery
True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.

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