Regarding my post about colloidal silver bladder flush.
The colloidal silver comes in a suspension of distilled water. How much of it 
you use will vary from person to person, depending on your bladder capacity. I 
know my bladder holds about 100cc comfortably for 20 minutes, but yours may 
hold more or less. 
Push the liquid into your bladder using syringe (just the plunger, no needle), 
clamp the catheter, retain for at least 20 minutes, if possible. Be sure to 
empty your bladder immediately if you start getting A.D.
Again, i think it's wise to consult your urologist first. Also do some 
Googling. I learned that colloidal silver was what they used to treat 
infections before antibiotics were discovered. It's also an antifungal.
No, I don't work for a silver company. I sound like i'm selling something. 
Haha. It's just a natural remedy that has greatly reduced (not eliminated) my 
bladder bacteria. I wanted to share the info.
Here's a link to one example of the product:

    On Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 09:41:58 AM MST, Eric Olson 
<> wrote:  
 How much water and how much silver? 

On Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 3:13 PM Don Price <> wrote:

I hope you get everything figured out and working properly again. UTIs and 
incontinence are such a life-suck. They're just about the hardest part of life 
with SCI.
I'm 41 years post-injury (C5-6, complete) and i've had my share of UTIs. I've 
developed a resistant bladder bug that is probably with me all the time. As 
long as i drink enough fluids I'm not symptomatic of infection, even though if 
i did a urinalysis i'm sure it would come back positive. I try not to use 
antibiotics except as a last resort. 
I know a bunch of quads and just about every one has some favorite method of 
treating a UTI without antibiotics. Things I've heard include: cranberry pills, 
d-mannose, large doses vitamin C, probiotics, lime oil, oil of oregano and 
bladder flushes with various solutions. I'm not a doctor, so obviously be 
careful trying any of these. 
The thing that has worked best for me (I have a suprapubic catheter) is 
irrigating with a solution of colloidal silver. Silver is a natural 
antiseptic/antifungal, so when i feel i'm getting a UTI symptom (usually 
cloudy/smelly urine) I use a syringe to push the colloidal silver water up my 
catheter into my bladder, then clamp off the catheter for at least 20 minutes. 
i do this twice a day (once morning, once bedtime) for about 3 days at it makes 
a huge difference. I wouldn't consider it a miracle cure, but it seems to take 
out enough bad bacteria that my symptoms clear up for a while with no side 
effects or possibility of resistance
I will be the first to admit that my results are purely anecdotal, and i was 
highly skeptical of this silver stuff when another quad friend of mine told me 
about it. I gave it a try because i was running out of other options, and it 
ended up working for me. I don't have any studies to share--definitely do your 
own research.
You can purchase colloidal silver online. Half gallon of it for about $40. I 
use enough each flush to fill my bladder but not cause A.D. Everyone's bladder 
is different, so i recommend discussing with your urologist first. 
If anyone has further questions you can email me
Best wishes,Don.

    On Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 11:29:30 AM MST, SHIRLEY BELL 
<> wrote:  
   Thanks everyone, My Dr does want a sample when I change the catheter again. 
I just did and this time things are ok, right now. don't want to try to change 
again as that's when it goes south.  
  On 10/25/2023 1:30 PM EDT Eric Olson <> wrote:            
just happened to run across this article.  Looks like you have a few of the 
signs of an infection
   On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 10:25 AM SHIRLEY BELL <> wrote:  
    Hi all, anyone have an indwelling Catheter for 40 or so years and had 
severe issues on and off with spasms and incontinence resulting in changing 
even new catheters until one works? It's hard to explain but not good. I take 
the max on spasm pills. Can't get in to see Dr for a few weeks, wanted to do 
research before. Would a supra pubic help with this? Any help would be 
appreciated. Thanks, Shirley   

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