On Aug 18, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Peter Ehlers wrote:

On 2010-08-18 11:49, Johan Jackson wrote:
No, apologies (good catch David!), I merely copied the script incorrectly.
It was

lmer(Y~X + (1|labs),data=DATA)

in my original script. So my question still stands: is it expected behavior for lmer to access the object 'labs' rather than the object 'DATA $labs' when
using the data= argument?


I don't think that's expected behaviour, nor do I think that it occurs.
There must be something else going on. Can you produce this with a
small reproducible example?

This makes me wonder if there couldn't be a Wiki page where questioners could be referred that would illustrate the quick and easy construction of examples that could test such theories? I would imagine that in (this instance) the page would start with the data.frame that were on the help page for lmer() (for example) and then put in the workspace a mangled copy of a vector that migh exhibit the pathological structure that might exist in the OP's version of "labs" and then run lmer() to see if such an "unexpected behavior" might be exhibited.

Just an idea. (I've never managed to get any R-Wiki contributions accepted through the gauntlet that it puts up.)


 -Peter Ehlers

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:29 AM, David Winsemius<dwinsem...@comcast.net >wrote:

On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:19 PM, Johan Jackson wrote:

 Hi all,

Thanks for the replies (including off list). I have since resolved the discrepant results. I believe it has to do with R's scoping rules - I had
object called 'labs' and a variable in the dataset (DATA) called 'labs',
apparently (to my surprise), when I called this:

lmer(Y~X + (1|labs),dataset=DATA)

lmer was using the object 'labs' rather than the object 'DATA $labs'. Is
expected behavior??

help(lmer, package=lme4)

It would be if you use the wrong data argument for lmer(). I doubt that the argument "dataset" would result in lmer processing "DATA". My guess is that the function also accessed objects "Y" and "X" from the calling environment
rather than from within "DATA".

This would have been fine, except I had reordered DATA in the meantime!



On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Mitchell Maltenfort<mmal...@gmail.com

 One difference is that the random effect in lmer is assumed --
implicitly constrained, as I understand it -- to
be a bell curve. The fixed effect model does not have that constraint.

How are the values of "labs" effects distributed in your lm model?

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Johan Jackson
<johan.h.jack...@gmail.com>  wrote:


Setup: I have data with ~10K observations. Observations come from 16 different laboratories (labs). I am interested in how a continuous


X, affects my dependent variable, Y, but there are big differences in
variance and mean across labs.

I run this model, which controls for mean but not variance differences
between the labs:
lm(Y ~ X + as.factor(labs)).
The effect of X is highly significant (p<  .00001)

I then run this model using lme4:
lmer(Y~ X + (1|labs)) #controls for mean diffs bw labs
lmer(Y~X + (X|labs)) #and possible slope heterogeneity bw labs.

For both of these latter models, the effect of X is non- significant (|t|



What might this be telling me about my data? I guess the second (X|labs)


tell me that there are big differences in the slope across labs, and
the slope isn't significant against the backdrop of 16 slopes that
quite a bit between each other. Is that right? (Still, the enormous drop


p-value is surprising!). I'm not clear on why the first (1|labs),


is so discrepant from just controlling for the mean effects of labs.

Any help in interpreting these data would be appreciated. When I first


the data, I jumped for joy, but now I'm muddled and uncertain if I'm overlooking something. Is there still room for optimism (with respect to


affecting Y)?


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