Hi Carl (also Brian),

This can effectively be accomplished in the geiger function fitContinuous() by setting the upper & lower bounds for the parameter to both be equal to the value for which you want to calculate the likelihood. Unfortunately, these are not allowed to be exactly the same; however, they can be arbitrarily close. So, for example, given tree=tree, data=x, and a desired BM rate parameter of 10, you can compute:

> results<-fitContinuous(tree,x,model="BM",bounds=list(beta=c(10.00000000,10.00000001))); # for example

You can also just calculate the log-likelihood directly as follows:

> sig2<-desired.value; # set your desired value for the BM rate, say sig2<-10; as before. > C<-vcv.phylo(tree); C<-C[names(x),names(x)]; # compute VCV for tree, and assure that the rows & columns are in the same order as x
> n<-nrow(C); ones<-matrix(1,n,1); # compute some preliminaries
> a<-solve(t(ones)%*%solve(sig2*C)%*%ones)%*%t(ones)%*%solve(sig2*C)%*%x; # estimate ancestor > logL<--(1/2)*(t(x-ones%*%a)%*%solve(sig2*C)%*%(x-ones%*%a))-(n/2)*log(2*pi)-(1/2)*log(det(sig2g*C)); # compute the log-likelihood

Hope this is helpful!

- Liam

Liam J. Revell
NESCent, Duke University
web: http://anolis.oeb.harvard.edu/~liam/
NEW email: lrev...@nescent.org

Carl Boettiger wrote:
Dear r-sig-phylo,

I'd like to be able to estimate the likelihood of a model with a given
Brownian rate parameter under a given data set.  For OU models, this can be
accomplished through the ouch package with the flag fit=FALSE.  However
there does not seem to be a corresponding option for Brownian motion in
ouch/geiger/ape algorithms for fitting a Brownian motion model?  Perhaps
I've overlooked something?


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