Hmm, so I'll take it that this doesn't exist yet?

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 10:28 AM, William Gearty <>

> Hi all,
> I'm currently working with a supertree to perform some comparative
> analyses.
> Of course, I have to time-scale the tree to perform the analyses I have in
> mind, and to do that I'm using the cal3 method from paleotree.
> However, after trying different parameter values and some conversations
> with Dave Bapst, it looks like my supertree is fairly incongruent with the
> stratigraphic constraints I've supplied.
> Of course, I could just take the paleotree output as it is now and run the
> analyses (zero-length branches and all), but that seems like a bad thing to
> do.
> So, I figured I would build a new supertree that better fits the
> stratigraphic constraints of the various taxa.
> However, I'm at a loss of how to do that.
> I figured there would be a package or software that would be able to
> accomplish this, but so far I've come up with nothing (perhaps I'm
> searching for the wrong thing?).
> Which is where this list comes in: are any of you aware of an R package
> (or other software) that can build a supertree using multiple source trees
> and stratigraphic constraints?
> If not, any thoughts on how I should get started?
> Thanks in advance,
> Will
> --
> William Gearty
> PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
> Department of Geological Sciences
> Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

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