Hi Diogo,

If you have an idea of the distribution of this fossil value, you should 
probably use an mcmc sampler to fit the model and provide priors on this root 
state (I can show you how to do this with any general-purpose sampler). 
Otherwise, if you want to constrain the model on a single fossil value 
(eventually incorporating known sampling variance), the simpler way would be to 
add a very small branch near the place you want your fossil. You can use the 
same data (along with the fossil) and modified tree with all the models and 
include your known sampling variance (error) to the functions.

Best wishes,

De : R-sig-phylo <r-sig-phylo-boun...@r-project.org> de la part de Diogo B. 
Provete <dbprov...@gmail.com>
Envoy� : jeudi 1 juin 2023 15:55
� : r-sig-phylo@r-project.org <r-sig-phylo@r-project.org>
Objet : [R-sig-phylo] Including intraspecific variation (SE) in 

Dear list,
we have a dataset of mean body size (carapace length) for extant whip
spiders and a dated phylogeny. We also have data on the body size of fossil
taxa. In geiger::fitContinuousMCMC it's easy to include that information as
a root prior.
But we also have intraspecific variation of body size for extant species,
to which we calculated the standard error. It's easy to include that
in geiger::fitContinuous.

Question: We'd like to include both intraspecific variation and fossil body
size as root prior while fitting alternative evolutionary models at once.
Is there a way to do that in a single function?

Thank you very much in advance,


Diogo B. Provete, PhD

Assistant Professor

Biodiversity Synthesis lab <http://diogoprovete.weebly.com/>

Biosciences Institute | Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul | Brazil

Associate Editor: Ecology and Evolution | Evolution | Frontiers in Ecology
and the Environment | Journal of Biogeography | Journal of Herpetology
<https://journalofherpetology.com/> | PeerJ

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