Dear list,
we have a dataset of mean body size (carapace length) for extant whip
spiders and a dated phylogeny. We also have data on the body size of fossil
taxa. In geiger::fitContinuousMCMC it's easy to include that information as
a root prior.
But we also have intraspecific variation of body size for extant species,
to which we calculated the standard error. It's easy to include that
in geiger::fitContinuous.

Question: We'd like to include both intraspecific variation and fossil body
size as root prior while fitting alternative evolutionary models at once.
Is there a way to do that in a single function?

Thank you very much in advance,


Diogo B. Provete, PhD

Assistant Professor

Biodiversity Synthesis lab <>

Biosciences Institute | Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul | Brazil

Associate Editor: Ecology and Evolution | Evolution | Frontiers in Ecology
and the Environment | Journal of Biogeography | Journal of Herpetology
<> | PeerJ

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