
I am working on a project in which I am trying to implement a Common Lisp-style 
package system. A simple example of usage would be as follows:

   (in-package FOO
     (define BAR 2))
   ; ...
   (in-package FOO
     (define BAZ (add1 BAR)))
   ; ...
   (in-package FOO
     (add1 BAZ)) ; => 4
   ; ...
   (in-package QUUX
     (add1 FOO:BAZ)) ; => 4

I was able to get something to this effect by doing the following:

   1. Create a namespace during phase 1 for each package
   2. Wrap the (in-package ...) body in a submodule 
      (to remove any local bindings in other parts of the file)
   3. Wrap the body in the following:
      (require (for-syntax syntax/parse) racket/splicing)
      (parameterize ((current-namespace #,(package-namespace resolved-package)))
      (splicing-let-syntax ((#%top (λ(stx) 
                               (syntax-parse stx 
                                 [(_ . id) #'(namespace-variable-value 'id)]))))

      This makes all non-local definitions resolve to the current namespace's 

This works great. I ran into a problem, however, when trying to create a 
provide transformer for the packages. I wrote the transformer and tried to test 
it, only to be greeted by this message:

   write: cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code value

The value in question was one of the namespaces I had created. Some searching 
online led me to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17437037/what-is-3d-syntax 
, which, while telling me what the problem with my code was, still leaves me 
wondering, is this a bad place for 3D syntax? More or less, I am trying to 
manually link the identifiers in a given environment and export those bindings 
as runtime values. Is there another/a better way to do this? While I could 
perhaps shoehorn these namespace bindings into purely phase 0 code, I would 
rather have more preprocessor overhead and less runtime overhead and link 
everything up during phase 1*. If that's a reasonable idea, how might I go 
about pushing these namespace values from phase 1 to phase 0?

*Disclaimer: There's a decent chance that any such "placement" of the overhead 
is a figment of my imagination and, in reality, pushing it to phase 0 will make 
no difference.

- Philip Blair (belph)

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