Hi Meino,

I run Racket on my Raspberry Pi (version 2 and 3)[*]. I download unix
source + built packages and build the "core" following the instructions
in src/README:


Basically it's just:

mkdir build
cd build
make install

and just works (tested for Racket 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7).

Kind regards,


Am 28.10.2016 um 05:20 schrieb meino.cra...@gmx.de:
> Hi Matthew,
> thanks fpr your reply! :)
> I received a recipe how to modify the configuration
> of the ARMBIAN to pull from "unstable" source.
> "Unstable" includes racket 6.6 (and hopfully 6.7
> soon) -- I think those "unstable" sources are of
> Raspbian... :)
> Still downloading/updateing....fingers crossed...
> Cheers,
> Meino
> Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> [16-10-28 05:04]:
>> If ARMBIAN and Raspbian are compatible, then you could try the Utah
>> snapshot site's Raspbian build:
>>   http://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/snapshots/
>> At Fri, 28 Oct 2016 03:21:49 +0200, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> after putting Racket on my desktop Linux box and on my tablet
>>> (ARCHLinux chroot, x86 CPU) I want to put Racket on my Orange PI
>>> PC (which is a Raspberry Pi inspired SoC-Computer). This Orange
>>> Pi PC runs a " ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.112-sun8i"
>>> The CPU is (according to /proc/cpuingo) a
>>> ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l).
>>> ARMBIAN only offers a (according to 'apt search racket')
>>> racket/stable 6.1-4 armhf.
>>> Is there any source known, which offers recent builds for this
>>> platform?
>>> Thanks a lot for any help!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Meino
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