> On Dec 27, 2016, at 2:32 AM, Tim Hanson <tbh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I think I'd like to try using racket as a way to explore relatively 
> simple ways of getting a grip on some mail accounts that have gotten out of 
> hand. Specifically I'd like to be able to
> - compute some statistics, such as number of mails from various addresses
> - reorganize / clean-up, say by moving mails into folders according to rules 
> or deleting mails from specific senders older than a given amount
> I have done similar things in the past using built-in functions in mail 
> clients such as outlook or entourage. (If thunderbird supports such functions 
> I could use that now, but I haven't found clues that it does; I even looked 
> at AppleScript and began using it to explore, but quickly got pretty 
> frustrated with the language and its documentation.)
> I like racket, though, and it would seem to be great to be able to try out 
> functions interactively in the REPL.
> My impression on first glance though, was that the built-in IMAP support 
> would require quite a bit of assembly and additions. I also found SirMail, 
> which looks like more than what I need, though presumably I could make use of 
> its foundation parts if I could figure out which and how.
> Might it be appropriate to build something between the IMAP basics and 
> SirMail? Alternatively, is there a brief how-to for SirMail? I found the 
> sources on github and they seemed to work immediately, but I have some 
> questions about set-up. Perhaps I could even help write a brief "how to" with 
> input from the authors?
> (Maybe there are more appropriate, "easier" ways of doing what I want to do 
> that others think of immediately, in which case clues would be appreciated.)

I recently had to download, parse, and pre-grade IMAP folders. Other than 
fiddling with a bunch of flags, it turned out to be a relatively 
straightforward scripting task. What you’re asking for is a scrip that will 
sooner or later turn into an application. Once you have that, I bet it will be 
easy to factor out a library that you can package up and deposit at 
pkgs.racket-lang.org <http://pkgs.racket-lang.org/>. 

I am appending the module that connected my script to the IMAP server. 

(The script was used by a number of colleagues here, which uncovered a weakness 
in the encoding step of IMAP. If you are using ‘unusual’ passwords, work with 
GIT HEAD instead of 6.7.) 

#lang racket

 ;; type Message = (list String String String [Listof String])
 ;; String String String -> [Listof Message]
 ;; retrieves messages from user's Zimbra CCS email at folder

;; dependencies

(require net/imap)
(require net/head)

;; implementation 

(define ZIMBRA “…")
(define TLS-1? #true)

(define (retrieve-messages user password folder)
  (define flags '(header body))
  (define-values (imap-connection messages# nu)
    (imap-connect ZIMBRA user password folder #:try-tls? TLS-1?))

  (define messages (imap-get-messages imap-connection (build-list messages# 
add1) flags))

  (for/list ((s messages))
    (define head (first s))
    (define to            (bytes->string/utf-8 (extract-field #"to" head)))
    (define from          (bytes->string/utf-8 (extract-field #"from" head)))
    (define subject       (bytes->string/utf-8 (extract-field #"subject" head)))
    (list to from subject (bytes->strings (second s)))))

;; [Listof Bytes] -> [Listof String]
(define (bytes->strings b)
  (for/list ((l (port->bytes-lines (open-input-bytes b))))
    (bytes->string/utf-8 l)))

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