Hi, Tim,

Tim Hanson <tbh...@gmail.com> writes:

> I should have dug around in sirmail sooner. Armed with the hint about 
> parametrize I've now found this:
>               (if (get-pref 'sirmail:use-ssl?)
>                   (let-values ([(in out) (ssl-connect server port-no)])
>                     (imap-connect* in out (USERNAME) passwd mailbox-name))
>                   (parameterize ([imap-port-number port-no])
>                     (imap-connect server (USERNAME) 
>                                   passwd
>                                   mailbox-name)))
> I guess I naively thought I'd be able to do something like this
>     (let-values
>         ([(imap-connection messages# nu)
>           (parameterize ([imap-port-number port])
>                        (imap-connect hostname mailaddress password folder 
> #:tls? tls-before? #:try-tls? try-tls?))])
> but so far I think it has worked only with an account that uses #:try-tls?, 
> not yet for #:tls?.
> I had seen 
> https://docs.racket-lang.org/net/imap.html#%28def._%28%28lib._net%2Fimap..rkt%29._imap-connect%2A%29%29
> in the docs, but wasn't sure how to do it. I can try following the example 
> above.

Recently, I just implemented an IMAP mail filter based on net/imap.
Hope it is useful for you.

Best Regards,
Huang, Ying

#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket

(require net/imap)

(define read-string-batch 4096)

(define (read-string/all [in (current-input-port)])
  (apply string-append
         (for/list ([str (in-producer (λ ()
                                        (read-string read-string-batch in))

(define (process/out/s command #:set-pwd?
                       [set-pwd? (member (system-type) '(unix macosx))])
  (let ([outp null])
       (set! outp
         (car (process/ports #f (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
                             command #:set-pwd? set-pwd?)))
       (read-string/all outp))
      (thunk (when (port? outp)
               (close-input-port outp))))))

(define (process/out/ss command #:set-pwd?
                        [set-pwd? (member (system-type) '(unix macosx))])
  (string-trim (process/out/s command #:set-pwd? set-pwd?)))

(define (imap-fetch imap total start len)
  (let* ([end (min (add1 total) (+ start len))]
         [msg-nums (sequence->list (in-range start end))])
    (when (pair? msg-nums)
      (imap-get-messages imap msg-nums '(header)))))

(define (messages-filter messages start pattern)
  (for/fold ([result empty])
            ([msg messages]
             [num (in-naturals start)])
    (let ([header (car msg)])
      (if (regexp-match? pattern header)
          (cons num result)

(define (messages-remove messages start to-remove-msg-nums)
   (for/fold ([result empty])
             ([msg messages]
              [num (in-naturals start)])
     (if (member num to-remove-msg-nums eqv?)
         (cons msg result)))))

(define (header-contain header pattern)
  (regexp (format "(?im:^~a: .*~a.*$)" header pattern)))

(define (imap-get-expunges-number imap)
  (length (imap-get-expunges imap)))

(define (call-with-check-expunges imap thk with without)
  (let* ([val-list (call-with-values thk list)]
         [expunges-number (imap-get-expunges-number imap)])
    (if (> expunges-number 0)
        (with expunges-number)
        (apply without val-list))))

(define (imap-filter-move imap total . pattern_dest-mailboxes)
  (let filter-move ([start 1]
                    [total total])
    (when (and (> total 0)
               (<= start total)
               (pair? pattern_dest-mailboxes))
      (let ([start (max start 1)])
        (call-with-check-expunges imap
         (thunk (imap-fetch imap total start batch))
         (λ (expunges-number)
           (filter-move (- start expunges-number)
                        (- total expunges-number)))
         (λ (msgs)
          (let loop ([pds pattern_dest-mailboxes]
                     [total total]
                     [msgs msgs])
            (if (and (pair? pds) (pair? msgs))
                (let* ([pattern_dest-mailbox (car pds)]
                       [pattern (first pattern_dest-mailbox)]
                       [dest-mailbox (second pattern_dest-mailbox)]
                       [tm-msg-nums (messages-filter msgs start pattern)])
                  (if (pair? tm-msg-nums)
                      (call-with-check-expunges imap
                       (thunk (imap-copy imap tm-msg-nums dest-mailbox))
                       (λ (expunges-number)
                         (filter-move (- start expunges-number)
                                      (- total expunges-number)))
                       (λ (v)
                         (call-with-check-expunges imap
                           (imap-store imap '+ tm-msg-nums
                                       (list (symbol->imap-flag 'deleted)))
                           (imap-expunge imap))
                          (λ (expunges-number)
                           (if (= expunges-number (length tm-msg-nums))
                               (loop (cdr pds) (- total expunges-number)
                                     (messages-remove msgs start tm-msg-nums))
                               (filter-move (- start expunges-number)
                                            (- total expunges-number))))
                          (λ (v) (loop (cdr pds) total msgs)))))
                      (loop (cdr pds) total msgs)))
                (filter-move (+ start (length msgs)) total)))))))))

(define server "imap.mail-server")
(define port 993)
(define username "you")
(define mailbox-name "INBOX")
(define batch 10)

(define (connect)
  (parameterize ([imap-port-number port])
    (imap-connect server username
                  (process/out/ss (string-append "get password"))
                  mailbox-name #:tls? #t)))

(define (main)
  (define-values (imap total recent) (connect))
     (imap-filter-move imap total
                       `(,(header-contain "Mailing-list"
                       `(,(header-contain "Mailing-list"
                       `(,(header-contain "Mailing-list"
                       `(,(header-contain "Mailing-list"
                       `(,(header-contain "List-Post"
    (thunk (imap-disconnect imap))))


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