I'm confused about why the following program is blaming the server for the
client's misuse of an applicable struct instance. More generally, I've
tried doing this in several different ways, and I can't figure out how to
make applicable structs that are still protected by contracts after
deserialization and blame the client module for misusing them.


#lang racket

(module server racket
  (require racket/serialize)
  (provide (contract-out
            [adder (-> natural-number/c (-> natural-number/c
  (struct adder (base)
    #:property prop:procedure
    (λ (this x)
      (+ (adder-base this) x))
    #:property prop:serializable
    (make-serialize-info (λ (this) (vector (adder-base this)))
                         (or (current-load-relative-directory)
  (define/contract make-adder
    (-> natural-number/c (-> natural-number/c
  (define deserialize-info:adder-v0
    (make-deserialize-info make-adder
                           (λ () (error 'adder
                                        "can't have cycles"))))
  (module+ deserialize-info
    (provide deserialize-info:adder-v0)))

(require 'server racket/serialize)

((deserialize (serialize (adder 5))) 'not-a-number)

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