I have a preliminary scribbling for the manual
of a multi source package, but it doesn't show up in Racket's main
documentation when I install the package locally.

Here is the directory structure:

   |--<many source files>

And "info.rkt" looks like this:

#lang info
(define version "0.1")
(define pkg-desc "a framework for cross-platform end-user applications
and their deployment") 
(define collection 'multi)
(define distribution-preference 'source)
(define pkg-authors '("Erich Rast"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/manual.scrbl" main-doc
main-doc-root (library) "APPY: a framework for writing end-user GUI

Raco install in the appy directory reports no errors, the package is
installed locally, but the "manual.scrblr" does not show up and does not
seem to be compiled. I've changed the path to
"appy/scribblings/manual.scrbl" without effect.

What's the correct way to set up the documentation? Related to this,
will raco pkg install report an error if my scribbling doesn't compile?

Thanks in advance for any help!



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