HTTP multipart reading is pretty easy to implement.  You just want to be careful about space&time performance -- not only because you might want lots-and-lots of this processing going on on each server (and the costs add up), but because the individual parts are quite often large (for the purposes to which people often put multipart).

(Side note: This seems like one of the many essential library things that might quickly shake out of a startup with strong Racketeers who contribute back high-quality open source packages for their non-trade-secret modules.  Many of these packages *could* also be done by a hobbyist volunteer, but a startup figuring out real-world function/interface/performance requirements, and needing to do it and make it work, might be more likely to do produce what's actually needed by other practitioners.  A few Racket startups doing this, and maybe you get an effect like the story of the person who, to design footpaths through a university quad, instead planted grass, and let the grass-trampling by students getting between classes determine where to place good footpaths.)

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