There was a discussion in another thread lately about various ways of
representing XML.  It got me thinking, and I wanted to ask about
people's practical experience.

What projects have y'all done where XML was the best choice for a
reason other than "because we needed to interoperate with a service
that required XML"?

I've never needed to use XML that much -- HTML and CSS for the
browser, JSON for the wire, SQLite or Postgres for the DB, and (on one
rather memorable occasion) Postscript for the printer.  I'm aware of
the various technologies around XML -- XPATH, XSLT, etc -- but they
haven't featured in any project I've ever needed to do, so I haven't
spent much time on them.  Is that that's something I should find time

I'm aware of two primary features that XML proponents point to for why
XML is worth knowing:  It's self-describing and it's typed.  To me,
the first sounds like a security nightmare of sophistry.  (Real-world
applications are typically going to know the format of the data that
they're consuming, and you certainly do not want to let external data
specify what standards and formats it should be held to.)  The ability
to type data (e.g. specify that 'age' elements are measured in days,
or years, or etc) is a good feature, and I'll give XML that one.

On the other hand, XML is extremely heavyweight, thereby slowing
parsing and transmission as well as making the data less

Are there angles here that I haven't encountered or thought about yet?
 If so, what would you recommend I read up on / look into?

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