David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com> writes:

> What projects have y'all done where XML was the best choice for a
> reason other than "because we needed to interoperate with a service
> that required XML"?



and this:


In both cases, the motivation was to facilitate access to the data for
as many software developers as possible. There are good XML support
libraries for most programming languages, even Fortran.

The other candidates in such circumstances are JSON and YAML, but you
get a lot more structure for free with XML than with JSON, while
avoiding the enormous complexity of YAML. I also found some utility in
schemas and schema-based validation tools, although that universe looks
heavily overengineered to me. Still, it's work done by others that I
don't have to repeat myself.

I think someone suggested s-expressions here. That would be a fine
option, if there were better support for it in non-Lisp languages.

> On the other hand, XML is extremely heavyweight, thereby slowing
> parsing and transmission as well as making the data less
> human-readable.

Compared to what? Special-purpose data format? Design your own language,
write you own parsers, working at the character level? I don't write
software in assembly for good reasons, and for the same reasons I want
higher-level data formats than just character streams.


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