Philip McGrath writes:

> For a general solution, I'd take a look at the Citation Style Language (
>, which is an XML language for defining how to
> render citations and bibliographies. A major advantage is that it has libre
> style definitions for a dizzying variety of house styles, including AJA (
> many of which seem to be maintained by the relevant publishers. It also
> integrates with Zotero and its competitors, as well as many other tools.

I might also want to explain what we did about moving from Zotero, where
Morgan originally managed her citations, over to a more
Racket/Scribble-centric approach.  This was motivated by Zotero breaking
in some mysterious way between Debian releases and us shrugging our
shoulders and saying "ok, let's just define this in Racket-land".

 - I wrote some code that walked through the Zotero XML export to write
   out some Racket code that represented the citations instead.  It's
   pretty gnarly.

 - The outputted citations look like:

     (define-bibitem Piranomonte2002
      (ref-type "Book")
        (author "Piranomonte, Marina.")))
      (titles (title "Il santuario della musica e il bosco sacro di Anna 
      (dates (year "2002") (pub-dates (date "2002")))
      (pub-location "Milano")
      (publisher "Electa")
      (isbn "88-370-2126-7 978-88-370-2126-9")
      (remote-database-name "";)
      (language "Italian"))

     (define-bibitem Pensabene-et-al2001
      (ref-type "Book")
        (author "Pensabene, Patrizio.")
        (author "Falzone, Stella.")
        (author "Angelelli, Claudia.")))
        "Scavi del Palatino I : l'area sud-occidentale del Palatino tra l'età 
protostorica e il IV secolo a.C., scavi e materiali della struttura ipogea 
sotto la cella del Tempio della Vittoria"))
      (dates (year "2001") (pub-dates (date "2001")))
      (pub-location "Roma")
      (publisher "\"L'Erma\" di Bretschneider")
      (isbn "88-8265-119-3 978-88-8265-119-0")
      (remote-database-name "";)
      (language "Italian"))

   So basically we converted the entire Zotero file over like this, and
   Morgan then started maintaining this Racket file instead for her
   Bibliography instead.

 - The above "citations" include a bunch of fields that don't always
   exist in Scribble's system (eg "language" or "isbn" above).  These
   are actually then stored in an sxml-like alist for now (for
   historical intermediate purposes of converting from the Zotero stuff
   to this) but a different structure would be better.

 - I then have utilities like "record-sxml->bib-entry" that convert
   these sxml'ish structures over to a bib entry... it's a lossy
   conversion, but this allows Morgan to maintain fields she needs that
   aren't currently handled by Scribble's bibliography tools.

It's a mess, but it does work and did provide us a path from Zotero ->
maintaining stuff directly in Racket.  Of course the main problems right
now are that converting to bib-entry is lossy / doesn't render to the
right format, but the fact that we still have the data before that
conversion means we can just swap out that code once we have something

I'm posing this not as "this is the right way to do it" but as an
opening for a conversation... especially in that right now, the auto-bib
struct makes some very specific assumptions about what fields are

  (define-struct auto-bib (author date title location url note is-book? key 

The right solution is to provide something more open-ended / extensible
to the needs of the particular domain the user is coming from.

This is what makes me unsure about how to convert scriblib's existing
code... it's making a lot of assumptions.  How to un-assume?  I'm not
sure yet though.

Thoughts welcome, of course.

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