Many thanks for your thoughts, George and Shu-Hung.

Rather embarassingly, I've found my answer in what's almost the simplest subprocess procedure:

    (exit (system*/exit-code "/usr/bin/vi" "filename"))

exhibits the behaviour I want. That does all the required plumbing flawlessly.

I'm not sure how I missed this! When I've needed to manage subprocesses in the past, the `system` procedure (and its analogues in other languages) has always been a bit too simple-minded to provide the control I've required in a particular situation, so I think I automatically skipped over it when looking here. Also, this illustrates the perennial mistake of focusing on one solution -- how do I exec? -- rather than stepping back and asking 'what am I actually trying to do?'

Sorry for the noise....

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
Research IT Coordinator  :  School of Physics and Astronomy

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