I am having problems installing raco docs, meaning I want 

    raco docs foo-pkg

to work no matter how I installed the package. To give you an example of a 
failure, I created a racket package and put it up on the raco pkg server:


which refers to a github repo


I then created two, fresh, Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machines via Virtual Box. 
On both machines, I installed racket 8.2 as follows:

    sudo apt install racket
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plt/racket
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

On machine 1, I did

    raco pkg install bleir-sandbox
    raco test .local/share/racket/8.2/pkgs/bleir-sanbox  # all copacetic
    raco docs bleir-sandbox

WORKS! Scribble docs show up in Firefox

On machine 2, I did

    git clone https://github.com/rebcabin/bleir-sandbox.git
    cd bleir-sandbox
    git checkout master
    cd ..
    raco pkg install bleir-sandbox
    raco test .local/share/racket/8.2/pkgs/bleir-sandbox  # everything 
    raco docs bleir-sandbox

NO MATCHES FOUND! Raco docs show no entries found for bleir-sandbox

Worse yet, if I try on machine 2 to do it the working way, it doesn't work, 
and it fails forever more.

    raco pkg remove bleir-sandbox
    raco pkg install bleir-sandbox
    raco test .local/share/racket/8.2/pkgs/bleir-sanbox  # all copacetic
    raco docs bleir-sandbox


I flushed Firefox cache, I did sudo racket setup for everything, and more 

Incidentally, some packages installed from the cloud also don't install 
docs. For example, 

    raco pkg install beautiful-racket  # the package works great
    raco docs beautiful-racket  # NOT FOUND!

I have similar problems on Ubuntu 21, but racket doesn't install things in 
.local/share/racket/8.2. In fact, I've been unable to find out where racket 
is installing packages on Ubuntu 21 (i.e., in what directories), even thoug

    raco pkg show

shows all the packages I expect to see, and they all apparently work 
properly except for doc install.

Would someone be so kind as to help me

1) understand what the heck is going on?
2) find a reliable, robust way to always install the docs on the packages I 

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