This is helpful! Thank you. Gives me a few more options to try, though I 
still don't have a perfect solution.

Regarding intent, yes, I want to have a development environment based on a 
git clone, with a package behavior that mimics identically the experience 
seen by someone who downloaded my package from the 
site. I'm close: the only things that don't jibe are the documentation 
installations. I'm not blocked: I can test the pkgd distro on a virtual 
machine that never made the mistake of installing from the git clone, and 
in the development environment, I can check the scribble docs by finding 
them in their squirrel hole on the hard drive. It's just that the dream of 
a development environment that's identical to a user's experience seems out 
of reach, at least till I try out some of your ideas. Thanks again.

On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 4:19:55 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> I am not sure what your intent is with 2 exactly.
> Is it to install the package you have checked out with git?
> If that's the case change the sequence to:
> git clone
> cd bleir-sandbox
> git checkout master
> raco pkg install
> raco setup bleir-sandbox
> raco test bleir-sandbox
> raco docs bleir-sandbox
> `raco setup bleir-sandbox` shouldn't be necessary because raco pkg install 
> would already do that after linking the local package source, but you can 
> use that in case you modify the source locally to regenerate the docs.
> `raco pkg install` installs/links the folder where you are at as a package 
> (usually for development of packages).
> While `raco pkg install bleir-sandbox` installs the package from the 
> package index and `cd ..` followed by `raco pkg install ./bleir-sandbox` 
> would install the local subdirectory as a linked package.
> Lastly if creating a local checkout for development is your intent you can 
> shorten it to:
> raco pkg install --clone
> raco test bleir-sandbox
> raco docs bleir-sandbox
> This uses the collection names for test and docs commands because they 
> automatically point towards the installed package.
> If you install a local directory with `raco pkg install 
> <path-that-can't-be-mistaken-as-a-package-name>` or `raco pkg install` 
> within a folder, you can also do `raco test ./bleir-sandbox` or `raco test 
> .` respectively.
> For the packages where the docs don't work, can you execute `raco setup 
> collection-name` and see/post whether that command outputs any errors?
> I have had the case where racket was installed in a way that `raco setup` 
> was unable to write to the directories where it tries to generate its docs 
> occasionally, but that is highly dependent on the linux distribution and 
> how its racket installation is setup. If the default racket install on 
> ubuntu doesn't work for some reason you could always try to install racket 
> locally somewhere in your home directory an test whether it works with that 
> racket version, if it works with the local one, but not the ubuntu one, 
> then I am not sure what is going on.
> Because I was assuming the ubuntu package should be setup correctly.
> Maybe it is setup in a way where raco setup requires sudo / root, in that 
> case I might try to change the permissions so that root is not required, 
> but I am not on ubuntu, so you should get tips from somebody else for that, 
> probably. 
> You can do a local install by downloading racket from the website, using 
> the installer and choosing local install.
> Hope this wasn't confusing and helped you.
> Anyways I think for development of packages --clone is the way to go, see 
> the docs at: 
> Simon
> schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2021 um 02:09:24 
> UTC+2:
>> I am having problems installing raco docs, meaning I want 
>>     raco docs foo-pkg
>> to work no matter how I installed the package. To give you an example of 
>> a failure, I created a racket package and put it up on the raco pkg server:
>> which refers to a github repo
>> I then created two, fresh, Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machines via Virtual Box. 
>> On both machines, I installed racket 8.2 as follows:
>>     sudo apt install racket
>>     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plt/racket
>>     sudo apt update
>>     sudo apt upgrade
>> On machine 1, I did
>>     raco pkg install bleir-sandbox
>>     raco test .local/share/racket/8.2/pkgs/bleir-sanbox  # all copacetic
>>     raco docs bleir-sandbox
>> WORKS! Scribble docs show up in Firefox
>> On machine 2, I did
>>     git clone
>>     cd bleir-sandbox
>>     git checkout master
>>     cd ..
>>     raco pkg install bleir-sandbox
>>     raco test .local/share/racket/8.2/pkgs/bleir-sandbox  # everything 
>> copacetic
>>     raco docs bleir-sandbox
>> NO MATCHES FOUND! Raco docs show no entries found for bleir-sandbox
>> Worse yet, if I try on machine 2 to do it the working way, it doesn't 
>> work, and it fails forever more.
>>     raco pkg remove bleir-sandbox
>>     raco pkg install bleir-sandbox
>>     raco test .local/share/racket/8.2/pkgs/bleir-sanbox  # all copacetic
>>     raco docs bleir-sandbox
>> I flushed Firefox cache, I did sudo racket setup for everything, and more 
>> trial-and-error.
>> Incidentally, some packages installed from the cloud also don't install 
>> docs. For example, 
>>     raco pkg install beautiful-racket  # the package works great
>>     raco docs beautiful-racket  # NOT FOUND!
>> I have similar problems on Ubuntu 21, but racket doesn't install things 
>> in .local/share/racket/8.2. In fact, I've been unable to find out where 
>> racket is installing packages on Ubuntu 21 (i.e., in what directories), 
>> even thoug
>>     raco pkg show
>> shows all the packages I expect to see, and they all apparently work 
>> properly except for doc install.
>> Would someone be so kind as to help me
>> 1) understand what the heck is going on?
>> 2) find a reliable, robust way to always install the docs on the packages 
>> I develop.

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