I'm new to this discussion.

My concern revolves around the instruction in the use of RDA. Currently I
teach our three cataloguing courses and, of course, use the AACR2 binders.

I understand ALA is looking after the final RDA website.
What will it cost?
I hope it will not be too expensive to have my College subscribe to it.
How many could have access at one time? [i.e., a site license to cover my on
campus students plus distance students]
Will there be training materials +/or sessions made available?

Since we have a new set of students this coming Sept. should I start
training them on RDA now, or wait until the next group in Sept. 2011 [we
have an intake every 2 years]?

Many thanks.

Brian Rountree, Instructor
Library and Information Technology Program
Red River College
W201-160 Princess Street
Winnipeg MB  R3B 1K9
Phone: (204) 949-8476
Fax: (204) 949-0032

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